Monday, October 18, 2010

How I got my butt kicked in a board game 2000 years old.

So... I recently joined a group of Viking re-enactors at our local ren-fest, and during my first day as a Viking, I went from being in the queen's guard to being the guy in charge of the ancient board games.  I immediately realized that, unlike popular opinion, the vikings were not dumb giants with axes and boats.  They played strategy games that rival chess in complex strategy & difficulty, and this has led me to conclude that they were actually quite clever.  Anyways... I spent about 5 hours teaching the patrons these viking games.  And I lost just about every game.  By the end of the day, I had only won a grand total of 5 games.

Woop-dee-doo, I suck at strategy games.
See ya 'round.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you suck at strategy games, what does that say about me?
